Our private Autism and ADHD assessment and treatment services have now reopened. Enquire today.
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Full assessment
To formally identify and diagnose Autism, we use the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) alongside a comprehensive evaluation which will include:
• Developmental, Dimensional and Diagnostic Interview (3Di) Parents/carers are seen together or remotely for a diagnostic interview. The interview is based on a computerised procedure developed at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and covers many aspects of your child’s development and current behaviour. The interview is very detailed and takes around 1 - 2 hours.
• Interview with school (teachers, SENCO) and classroom observation (where possible).
• An evaluation of:
o verbal and non-verbal skills (gestures and eye movement)
o use of non-literal language (metaphor, humour, irony)
o content, clarity and coherence of conversation
o social skills (understanding others and ability to react to verbal cues)
• A review of any physical issues, executive functioning, emotional state, development history and current symptoms
A full report will be written following the assessment with recommendations for school staff and families. A telephone debrief is also offered within the assessment package.
ADHD: Full assessment
ADHD is a condition characterised by the three “core” symptoms of hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity. Some children may be predominantly hyperactive and impulsive, and some may be predominantly inattentive.
The ADHD diagnostic assessment is carried out by a Clinical Psychologist. Information from school, parents/carers and, where appropriate, the child will be collected and evaluated prior to the assessment, including Conners questionnaires. These questionnaires are specifically designed to look for the key features of ADHD and also assess the possibility of other “co-existing” conditions which may be present. A classroom observation and meeting with school staff (for both, if possible) and a thorough developmental history and interview with the parents/carers is also carried out.
A full written report with recommendations is provided.
The above is usually carried out in a day, and the full report usually takes 2 – 3 weeks to produce.
Local Authority Guidance
Any Autism assessment carried out by The Owl Centre's team complies fully with the NICE guidelines (National Institute for Clinical Excellence). However, some local authorities prefer to carry out the Autism assessments themselves. Therefore, it is advisable for clients to contact their local health authority to discuss this prior to making a booking with us. The authority would need to know that the assessment is being conducted by one ADOS-trained professional and that it is being video recorded so that a second ADOS-trained therapist can verify the ‘coding' (i.e. the scoring). The video footage would be available to the local authority should they need it.
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