Our private Autism and ADHD assessment and treatment services have now reopened. Enquire today.
This discipline can help to assess and treat many problems including:
- Phonology delay / phonology disorder / inconsistent phonological disorder (reduced clarity of speech on account of difficulties in correctly putting sounds to words).
- Apraxia (also known as Dyspraxia - a motor planning disorder for speech sounds).
- Articulation disorder (for example, a lisp).
- Language delay / language disorder (difficulties in understanding what people say and in expressing oneself using age-appropriate vocabulary and grammar).
- Dysarthria / Oro-motor difficulties (weakness in the muscles of the mouth, affecting articulation, general clarity of speech, and often causing dribbling).
- Attention and listening difficulties (difficulties with concentrating and focusing on a task).
- Stammering (difficulties with smooth, fluent talking - i.e. dysfluency).
- Dysphagia (Eating and drinking difficulties - these include problems with weaning, eating lumpy food, chewing, being a fussy eater, etc.).
- Social Skills difficulties, including Social Interaction / Social Communication (difficulties with making friends and forming relationships; unusual behaviour).
- AAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication, which can be high tech [computer-based communication systems] or low tech [paper-based communication systems]).
- Selective Mutism or Reluctant Talker.
- Voice / Dystonia (a voice that sounds husky or breathy; pitch changes).
- Hearing impairment (delayed speech and language relating to hearing difficulties or glue ear, etc.).
Unless the patient has already been assessed by a suitable therapist, and you are able to share with us a set of current targets or an assessment report written within the last 6 months, an initial assessment is the first step. This would last approximately 1 hour and would be comprehensive. Afterwards, you would be given feedback, targets, strategies to achieve these targets, and, if you have opted for one, a formal written report. Reports are generally requested if the findings need to be shared with other professionals (e.g. the NHS, nursery, school, etc.).
In rare or more complex cases, more than one session might be required to complete an assessment. If so, the first session would be charged at the assessment rate, and the subsequent session(s) at the therapy rate. Your therapist will discuss with you if they feel that more than one session would be required.
Following the assessment, clients are provided with advice as to whether or not therapy would be recommended in order to implement the programme of strategies created in the assessment.
Number of sessions
Clients are not obliged to take up therapy but, should they choose to do so, the number of therapy sessions required (and the frequency and length of each session) would be entirely dependent on the patient’s needs and age. However, it is fairly standard for a therapist to see a patient for 1 hour each week for 5 or 6 weeks, and to review progress at the end of that block.
Examples of interventions
This list is by no means exhaustive, and each Speech and Language Therapist has their own experience and skill-set, but interventions might include:
- Nuffield Dyspraxia.
- ReST Therapy.
- Cycles Therapy.
- Attention Autism.
- Intensive Interaction.
- SCERTS (Social Communication Emotional Regulation and Transactional Support).
- SOS (Sequential Oral Sensory).
- Word Aware.
- Zones of Regulation.
- Social Thinking.
- Derbyshire Language Scheme.
- Colourful Semantics.
- Hanen.
- LEGO Therapy.
- PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System).
- Tacpac.
and more....
Fees in your area can be seen via this link: 
Please note that we do not offer all disciplines in all locations, and in some areas we offer outreach visits only.

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