If you are part of the Hampshire or Isle of Wight waiting list, please visit us at: https://www.theowl.org/hampshire-and-iow/

The Owl Centre was founded in Oxford in 2011 by Nicola Lathey, a top Speech and Language Therapist and author of the Small Talk series of speech-boosting books. Since then, it has developed in terms of the number of different services it offers and its geographical reach. It now covers much of the UK, having been enriched by new and talented therapists joining the team. However, from its small beginnings, the guiding ethos which underpins our approach has remained the same:

Our guiding ethos

We are professional but we are not, and never will be, corporate in the sense of impersonal and remote. As a client, you have the ability to communicate quickly and directly with whichever person you need to, whether that is your therapist(s), your area’s team leader, the Owl Centre administrator, or one of the Owl Centre’s directors. We are easy to reach and, we believe, easy to approach.
We are friendly and genuine, and very much opposed to marketing fictions.
We are ambitious but we know our roots and what we are built on. We know that offering you the best possible service and a friendly rapport is the best way for our reputation and geographic reach to spread. Your problem is our problem, and we don’t say that lightly. We will do everything within our means to arrive at the best possible outcome for you, and we will provide all of the support you need.
We are eminently reasonable. We don’t like bureaucratic barriers, computers saying ‘no’, or inflexible approaches which are unable to take account of our individual situations and circumstances. As such, we will treat you as we like to be treated.
We will respond to you quickly. If we can’t reply to you immediately (and often we can), we will reply to you on the same working day or, at the very latest, on the next working day. We understand that you might be worried about your child, which is why we are anything but casual when it comes to communicating with you and setting up an appointment.
We believe in tried and tested methods. However, we also embrace (and, indeed, create) the latest research and training programmes if we believe they will improve our service.

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