Chelsea Ridge

Type of therapist: Speech and Language Therapy, Coaching and Mentoring, Speech Sounds Assessment, Dysphagia Specialist Individuals, Dysphagia - AVS school

Location: Berkshire


AAC Articulation and Phonology Attention-related Difficulties (ADD, ADHD) Autism Spectrum Bilingualism Cerebral Palsy Cognitive-Communication Difficulties Down's Syndrome Dysphagia Dyspraxia Eating and Drinking Language Disorder Learning Disability Social and Emotional Difficulties Swallowing Mentoring Speech and Language Therapists


  • BSc Hons Speech and Language Therapy (2014)
  • Chelsea has completed training in:
  • Attention Autism by Gina Davies
  • Post basic dysphagia qualification and cervical auscultation
  • Team teach training
  • AAC
  • Makaton
  • Social communication with focus on social thinking
  • SOS approach to feeding


  • Chelsea qualified as a Speech and Language Therapist from City University London in 2014.
  • Chelsea has clinical experience working with children in a wide range of settings such as mainstream and special educational needs schools, clinics and hospitals. Her experience includes working with clients with attention and listening difficulties, language delay, speech difficulties, learning disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder and social communication.
  • Chelsea has a strong interest in working with children with eating and drinking difficulties and supporting them and their families.
  • Through her experience Chelsea has acquired a solid knowledge in a range of assessment and evidence based intervention tools. She has also worked with a broad spectrum of professionals, provided training to staff, parents and other professionals. She is passionate about tailored intervention that is fun and engaging.

Interesting / fun facts

  • I'm currently undertaking an MSc in Paediatrics and Child Health
  • I'm named after the football team... yes really

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